About US

Our Mission

To start a tradition of a series of Social Entrepreneurship webinars that will contribute to transitioning the business models from economic outcome to achieving social change as the main objective.

Implemented by

Social Entrepreneurship Observatory is a Regional Network and Resource Center, a platform for collaboration and partnership for development of social entrepreneurship in South-East Europe. 

SEO contribute to the development of the social enterprises in the region by offering direct technical and mentoring support, but also with their work towards the development of the SE ecosystem. Currently, we are focusing on young entrepreneurs focused on achieving social change.

Young Ambassadors is a youth organization established in January 2014 with an aim to strengthen the capacity of young people through actions aimed at multi – sectorial cooperation and development of each individual with idea of future contributions to the development of local community. 

Through the Network of Ambassadors with 100 members and more than 1000 alumni they are sharing information and having direct communication with young people in all educational institutions in the city of Nis.